Movies results for "aashif-sheikh"

Dil Ne Jise Apna Kahaa|
Dil Ne Jise Apna Kahaa
2004 | 134 min
Rishabh and Pari are both deeply in love with each other. A wealthy young man, he works in an advertising agency while she is a doctor. Both marry and soon Pari is pregnant. Pari has a dream to build a hospital for children. Tragically, Pari meets with a fatal accident, and both - the baby and she - die. In her will, Pari donates her heart to the hospital. Rishabh is devastated and opposes the plan to donate the heart. The hospital, however, goes ahead with Pari's last request. Rishabh, after a bout with depression, begins Pari's project, a hospital for sick children. Meanwhile, Pari's heart has been transplanted in a young woman named Dhani. Dhani and Rishabh's paths cross, and Dhani is instantly attracted to him, but Rishabh does not even look at her and is immersed in Pari's memories. Will Rishabh ever get over Pari and fall in love again?
Subtitles:English, Arabic