Santosh Singha
2013 | 107 min
It was a reunion of seven friends. It was a joy ride on a luxury yacht through the middle of a beautiful ocean. It was time to remember the good old times. It was time to catch up on the lost five years. It was time to come face to face with unrequited love. It was Sara's first birthday. It was time for champagne. It was time for a swim. It was time for disaster to strike. Seven friends, Neck deep in water, oblivious of their geographical coordinates, unknown miles away from land with no way to get back on to the yacht while little Sara cries incessantly on board. Old conflicts resound and new ones emerge while a new predator comes to kill. This one eats flesh!
Subtitles:English, Arabic, ChineseBarsaat Ki Raat|
Barsaat Ki Raat
1960 | 142 min
The story features a number of innovative themes while maintaining the basic form of a love story. It has particularly strong female characters who are independent-minded and choose their own loves and destiny. Conflicts are not so much between the wishes of the parents and children about whom the children will marry, as is a common theme in Indian movies, but on the more complex level of conflicts among the main characters and the duplicitous signals men and women send each other. The movie glorifies the lives of "singing girls" not often regarded highly in Indian society. Although it is set with Muslim characters, the movie seamlessly shows the universality of sensual love.
Subtitles:English, ArabicRoja Ramani|
Dhan Dhana Dhan|