Rajesh Hans

Hanste Khelte|
Hanste Khelte
1984 | 108 min
Unhappy at the manner in which things on Earth have regressed to, God issues instructions for the complete destruction of mankind and Earth, as love, sacrifice, kindess and compassion are no longer present. Three heavenly angels, Om, Namah, & Shiva, respectfully request God to grant them a period of a week so that they can get an example of love, sacrifice, compassion, and kindness, in order to enable God to reconsider his instructions, to which God agrees, and permits the three angels to visit Earth, on the condition that they will not be visible to any humans, nor will they use their heavenly powers to assist any human in any manner whatsoever. The question remains, that in this Kal Yug (Dark Age) will the angels ever come across a compassionate, and loving human being, who is capable of sacrifice, in such short period of time?
Subtitles:English, Arabic
Raja Rajeswari|

Rajdhani Express|
Rajdhani Express
2013 | 125 min
Rajdhani Express is the story of Keshav, an errand boy for an arms trafficker. On one such errand, Keshav steals the weapons and books a ticket on the Rajdhani Express from Delhi to Mumbai in order to escape. However, his fate follows him through his escape onto the train in the form of Yadav, the DY Commissioner of ATS. While trying to apprehend Keshav, Yadav manages to extract political mileage from the situation by weaving a web, endangering not only Keshav's, but also his co-passengers' lives. However, the Commissioner has an ulterior motive to get even with his boss, the Minister of Home, whose parents also happen to be on the train. Distanced, ridiculed and humiliated, he reacts by pointing his gun at them. All hell breaks loose. Can Keshav escape this trap? If so, how?
Subtitles:English, Arabic

Durga Shakthi|

Zindagi Aur Maut|
Zindagi Aur Maut
2002 | 119 min
Zindagi Aur Maut-Life & death, two common phenomena associated with all living beings. But when the calamity is embracing the whole nation, it is not just of few individuals who die but thousands, lakhs and even millions. It is to avoid such disasters that hand-picked, super courageous, intelligent men work round-the-clock to uncover plots, treacheries, espionage that is the core and substance of this story as a gang of spies tries to remove from this country a microfilm on which are recorded some of our top army secrets which in enemy's hands would spell tremendous danger in case of an armed conflict. Two brave intelligence officers Ashok (Pradeep Kumar) and Mirza (Anwar Hussein) are deputed to track down the gang and recover the microfilm. The adventures they go through are gruesome before they bring the entire gang and their leader Roy played by N.A. Ansari to book. Johnny Walker as the benevolent collaborator with the secret service officers gives a new comedy twist to the suspense. Faryal an innocent victim of the spy makes a lovely foil for Pradeep Kumar and Neelofer as always is the ideal mall girl, but "Zindagi Aur Maut" has all breathless moments of suspense and terror that are inseparable from all hair raising Espionage Dramas.
Subtitles:English, Arabic
Gharhudha Parvai|