Sabbarwahl is on a roll committing a series of frauds, all in the garb of a successful business entrepreneur. But little does he know that one of his misdoings has created a huge impact on the lives of 4 poor sods: Mrs. Baweja, Sukhi, Mintoo Hasan and Ballu which has only resulted in an enormous wave of need for vengeance. The death of Mr. Baweja due to a cardiac arrest after being framed in a bank fraud and Saira his assistant being put behind bars, Mrs. Baweja takes the situation in her hands. The poor sods decide to no longer remain victims to the situation by living on scrawny jobs and meager monies but instead BAJAO Sabbarwahl's band in the best way possible. It's the good hearted underdog who has to become a 'little BAD' to fight the 'very BAD'. But a lot needs to happen before that: Sukhi finds love in Manpreet who has to get Sabbarwahl to twirl to her tunes; Mintoo's 'Modern Catering' has to offer more than just 'Quantity and Quality' and Ballu's cunning ways need to go through the litmus test.